Delias akrikensis Lachlan 1999 
Subspecies and range of Delias akrikensis :
No subspecies
. akrikensis - Mt. Akrik, Western Province, Papua New Guinea
Notes on Delias akrikensis :
A recently described species which shows affinities to Delias ligata, D. alepa and D. weiskei. Only found around a single unnamed creek on the south-eastern slopes of Mt. Akrik.
Original Description: R B Lachlan : Australian Entomologist, 1999, 26 (2).pp.33-35: "Male. Basal two-thirds of fore wing upperside white to just beyond cell, its edge only slightly curved between the costa and tornus. Upperside of hind wing white with very thin black marginal border. Pattern on underside partly visible from above. Underside of fore wing with white basal part slightly less extensive than the white area above. Diffuse black scaling on anterior third of cell, most intense basally. Four subapical yellow spots, the anterior two nearly confluent and together forming a broad rounded patch. Hind wing with black ground colour. A small round to subovate cream discal patch is present between lower edge of discal cell and vein Rs; its inner edge is diffuse and straight and passes through middle of discal cell; its outer edge touches a thin red submarginal line which extends from the costa above the discal patch to vein 1A+2A. The red submarginal line has a small break at vein Rs. A short red subbasal stripe is present in space Rs and is distally white. A small red diffuse spot is present between middle of lower edge of cell and vein 1A+2A. Marginal area between the red line and outer edge of wing white from costa to middle of space M1. Length of fore wing: 20-22mm.
Female. Upperside of fore wing with the white basal area slightly reduced and not extended beyond end of discal cell; two small white subapical spots. Hind wing with wider black border than male, particularly between veins M1 and CuA2. Veins Rs down to 1A+2A covered in black scales distally. Underside as in the male. Length of fore wing:21mm."
I have no good picture of the female, but as you can see on the pictures below, it is very close from the male :
If anyone have access to ANIC collection and can send good pictures of the female akrikensis, it would be great to send us a picture.
Group kummeri species :