Delias isocharis Rothschild & Jordan 1907 
Delias isocharis isocharis
Pass Valley, 2175m
West Papua
3 October 2018
Picture by Pamela Sai
Subspecies and range of Delias isocharis :
. isocharis Rothschild & Jordan 1907 - Central Highlands, Papua New Guinea
. latiapicalis Joicey & Talbot 1922 - Weyland Mtns, Papua
Notes on Delias isocharis :
Very similar to Delias ligata. However, it may be recognised by having, on the underside hindwing, the white area extended from the margin along the outer edge of the red submarginal line as far as its end on the submedian.
The male is not uncommon within its range.
Notes on Delias isocharis latiapicalis var. paniaia :
This variety was originally named Delias paniaia Roepke 1955 or Delias strix Yagishita 1993. On this variety, the length of the white area outside the red submarginal line extends furthest.
Group kummeri species :