Delias talboti Joicey & Noakes 1915 
Subspecies and range of Delias talboti :
No subspecies
. talboti - Biak island, Papua
Notes on Delias talboti :
A rare species, with the female being particularly so, only to be found on the small Indonesian island of Biak.
Male: Upperside white. Fore wing with narrow black apical and marginal border ending in a point at vein 2.
Underside black. fore wing with basal half to near end of cell, base of 3, part of 2, most of lower median area, and inner margin white. Basal two-thirds of cell tinged with yellow. Four apical white spots and a faint spot in 3 near margin. Hind wing with cellule 8 yellow to the base. A submarginal row of square-shaped grey-white spots in cellule 1c-6, placed near the margin. Inner margin faintly scaled with grey-white anteriorly, and with dark yellow at the base.
Female: Wings rounded. Upperside black; basal area greyish-white with some yellow scaling, rendered dark by the underlying ground-colour. Fore wing with a submarginal row of 6 white spots which are larger towards the apex. Hind wing with a similar row of smaller spots of nearly equal size. Inner margin grey-white; proximal area dusted with yellow.
Underside black. Fore wing with the greater part of cell to below median yellow. Submarginal spots as above but larger and better defined. A distinct spot touching margin, on the submedian fold. Hind wing as in the male but with stronger yellow basal dusting. Abdomen yellow below.
Group chrysomelaena species :