Delias butterflies of New Caledonia

These remote French islands to the East of Australia, have, as you would expect, unique species/subspecies. I have also included on the page the single species to be found on the New Hebrides, islands which are to be found to the North of New Caledonia, and South-East of the Solomons. The reason for this is that the species is related to one found on New Caledonia

Delias ellipsis is one of the most beautiful Delias species. Its neocaledonian origin has long been a mystery as Talbot thought it was an Asian species in his famous Delias monography.

Delias nouvelle calédonie


  ellipsis.gif  D. ellipsis      New Caledonia      

   nysa-caledonica.gif   D. nysa caledonica     New Caledonia      

 nysa-santo.gif   D. nysa santo    New Hebrides