Delias maudei Joicey & Talbot 1915 

Subspecies and range of Delias maudei :
No subspecies
. maudei - Biak island, Papua
Notes on Delias maudei :
Delias maudei is considered as an extinct Delias species by some entomologists. As for another species from Biak island (Delias bosnikiana), they haven't been found on Biak island since 1994 despite regular scientific expeditions on this rather developed Papuan island.
It is hard to understand the extinction of 2 Delias species from Biak as some suitable habitats are remaining on the island (despite some strong deforestation). If deforestation is not the reason, the introduction of an invasive parasitic insect or of a virus is highly plausible as Biak is a key step in the trade between Indonesia and New Guinea island.
Finding fresh Delias maudei (specimens or pictures) would be a major rediscovery !
It was suggested by Talbot in his Monograph that this species may but but a well-differentiated race of D. enniana.
Male: Upperside white. fore wing with black apical and marginal area to below vein 2, bearing large white submarginal spots, the two anterior ones only separated from the ground-colour by some slight black dusting. The second anterior spot is longer than the others, which decrease in size posteriorly, are slightly pointed distally, and have straight proximal edges. there is a very small rounded spot in cellule 2. Hind wing with black marginal border from the inner angle to veins 4 or 5, about 5mm. broad in cellule 2, its edge nebulous.
Underside of fore wing white with broader black area than above, extending costally to the base, entering the upper edge of cell and forming a broad discocellular bar. Basal half of cell pale yellow with black basal dusting. Submarginal spots larger than above, the two anterior ones yellow, the three lower ones somewhat lunulate. hind wing with broad brownish-black marginal border extending to the end of cell at vein 4, its edge sharply defined; proximal area yellow, slightly edged with white between veins 7 and 4. Six large submarginal spots bright yellow, the anterior two placed at the margin and all separated by the veins.
Female: Upperside brownish-black, greyish over the basal areas. Fore wing with seven submarginal white spots, the anterior five distally pointed, the two posterior ones rather small and narrow. Hind wing with five pale yellow submarginal spots in 2-6, not well-developed, the lower one indistinct.
Underside of fore wing with white proximal area not reaching beyond end of cell but extended onto base of cellule 3 and broadening below this. Basal two-thirds of cell yellow. Submarginal spots well-defined as in the male except a curved one between the submedian and vein 2. Hind wing with the dark distal area entering the end of cell, its edge not sharply-defined and marked by a discocellular spot extended from the yellow proximal area. Submarginal spots larger than in the male, only the anterior one placed on the margin.
Group nysa species :