Delias sacha Grose-Smith 1895 
Subspecies and range of Delias sacha :
No subspecies
. sacha - Obi island, Indonesia
Notes on Delias sacha :
A very rare species which appears to represent Delias isse in the North Moluccas, and which Talbot incorrectly suggested may possibly be a race of that species.
The species is extremely rare in collection. Most of Obi island has now been destroyed by Indonesian authorities to produce palm oil.
The real status of Delias sacha gilolensis :
About Delias sacha gilolensis, Davenport & Rawlins proved in 2011 that it was based on an error of Sir Rothschild in 1925: the male was a male of Delias poecila poecila and the female a female of Delias candida herodias
Group isse species :