Delias mysis Fabricius 1775 
Subspecies and range of Delias mysis :
. mysis Fabricius 1775 - NE. Australia
(Synonym waterhousei Talbot 1937 from Cape York Peninsula)
. aruensis Mitis 1893 - Aru island
. nemea Fruhstorfer 1910 - Merauke district, PNG
Notes on Delias mysis :
A very well known species known as 'The Union Jack'. It is typical of the group in having the red submarginal band and yellow basal colouring.
The female of the subspecies D.mysis aruensis differ from the rest through its dark colouring over the entire upperside, whereas all the other females have a major part of the upperside white, with only the apical area on the forewing and the submarginal area of the hindwing black.
We follow on this website the recent revision of the mysis/lara complex published in SUGAPA volume 3(2), October-December 2008 by Chris Davenport & Henk van Mastrigt. In 2012, M. Braby showed that Delias aestiva is a full species, distinct from Delias mysis.
Caterpillar of Delias mysis :
On this picture, you will see the typical gregarious behaviour and look of Delias species caterpillars.
Delias mysis mysis FABRICIUS, 1775, nursery
Garradunga (North Queensland, Australia)
Photo : Blackjack
Group hyparete species :