Delias eudiabolus Rothschild 1915 
Subspecies and range of Delias eudiabolus :
No subspecies
. eudiabolus - Aroa River, PNG & Western Prov. PNG
Notes on Delias eudiabolus :
An extremely rare species, of which I have only seen very faded specimens from the British Museum, possibly the type specimens. Until recently, the only known specimens were three, (two male, one female) collected by Meek in 1903 around the Aroa River. The recent discovery of a second pocket of this species near Tabubil in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea is very interesting
Original description : Rothschild - Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 15. p.179 (1915) - "Male: Resemble a minute Delias ladas. Above, fore wing more pointed than in ladas, and termen much straighter; the black edge of hind wing is narrower. Below, the apical dark area of fore wing is much wider and basicostal yellow streak on hind wing is clearer yellow.
Female: Above, all dark margins are much narrower and apical area is edged inwardly with yellow, not found in ladas. Below the abdomen is white, while in ladas it is yellow; the apical area of fore wing is wider and the basicostal yellow streak on hind wing is clear yellow."
Group geraldina species :