Delias simanabum Hagen 1894 
Subspecies and range of Delias simanabum :
No subspecies
. simanabum - Sumatra
Notes on Delias simanabum :
A not common species, to be principally found along the mountain range running from North-West of Lake Toba to South-West of the lake.
The male can be found in collection but the female is one of the rarest Delias in collection !
The species is much paler in colouring than the other members of the group.
Male: (Original Description given by Hagen, 1894, Iris vii) "Fore wing above with an ill-defined black postdiscal area, defining the submarginal spots of the underside, and some black dusting on the discocellular, defining the post-cellular spots below. Below, the markings much as in the figured female, the subapical spot smaller, the three post-cellular spots larger, and the two spots in 2 and 3 more separated. Basal area more strongly dusted with black and reduced distally below vein 4. Underside of hind wing with the brown markings more developed than in the figured female; some basal dusting below the cell continued to about middle of 1c, where a heavier mark is formed; some brown scaling in base of 2 and 3, and near base in 5,6 and 7, the last three spots joined, the on in 5 connected with margin along vein 6. These marks are a vestige of the ground colour of orphne, the larger spots in that form being here almost completely joined together."
Female: Upperside of fore wing resembling cinerascens female but much darker. Ground-colour black suffused with white markings. A stripe in the cell, not reaching end of cell, one in 1b from base to near the margin, a shorter one in 2, and a spot at the base of 3 all indistinct. three short subcostal streaks in 4,5 and 8, and five submarginal spots white dusted lightly with black. the two lower submarginal spots larger than the others. Hind wing creamy-yellow, the basal area dusted with black, the veins, except the discocellulars, black, and a narrow black marginal border from above vein 7 to cellule 1b. A black postdiscal line from costa to vein 6, expanded as a spot in cellule 5; an indistinct spot in the base of cellule 3. Underside of fore wing as above, but the stripes and spots much better defined, the spots larger and a minute submarginal spot below vein 2. Hind wing lemon-yellow, the distal stripes edged with white, and slightly pointed distally as in the male. dark postcellular marks as in the male.
Group georgina species :