Delias nigropunctata Joicey & Noakes 1915 
Subspecies and range of Delias nigropunctata :
No subspecies
. nigropunctata - Arfak Mounts, Papua
Notes on Delias nigropunctata :
Distinguished from all others in the group by a submarginal row of small black spots on the hindwing verso.
Very rare in collections. The exact locality of Delias nigropunctata is a mystery. Arfak is a rather well explored province but nigropunctata is extremely rare in collection. It must flies in remoted areas far from the touristic areas.
Male: Upperside resembles D. heroni. Fore wing black distal area slightly less extended in cellule 3. Hind wing black marginal border anteriorly narrower than in heroni (about 4mm. wide on vein 6), and reaching vein 3 or just below it, edged by a black dusting which is heavier between vein 3 and the inner angle.
Underside with bronze ground-colour as in heroni. Fore wing with the inner margin white and a white proximal area extending to vein 4 but not to the end of cell, and filling the lower half of cell, its edge from the inner margin to vein 4 sharply defined. Five small subapical spots, the ones in 6 placed more proximal than the others, and the anterior one much the larger. Hind wing with a small yellow basal costal spot edged broadly with white distally, the remainder of the costa lightly scaled with white. A submarginal row of six small black spots not placed near the margin. A small black discal patch in cellule 4 close to the cell, one in the middle of the cell, a smaller one in the base of cellule 2, and some black dusting over the inner marginal area. Fringe black broken by white between the veins.
Female: Similar to the male.
Group cuningputi species :