Delias imitator Kenrick 1911 
Subspecies and range of Delias imitator :
No subspecies
. imitator - Arfak Mounts, Papua
Notes on Delias imitator :
An easily distinguishable species through its pattern on the upperside forewing, with the creamy-yellow band.
Male: upperside black with pale sulphur-yellow markings. Fore wing with a narrow postdiscal band from the inner margin to vein 4, beyond which is a square-shaped spot in 5 and a vestigial spot in 6; this band is more sharply defined on its outer edge. three or four submarginal dots, the one in 3 larger than the others. a subapical spot in 6, a dot above it, and a streak below it near the costa. The androconia extend as far as these submarginal spots. Wind wing pale sulphur-yellow with a broad black marginal border (over 5mm. wide on vein 4) from the costa to below vein 4, its edges sharply defined, the posterior edge (in cellule 3) straight. three submarginal dots in 4-6. Costal edge white. Basal area of cellule 7 and base of 6 blackish-brown. Underside with paler ground-colour than above. Fore wing postdiscal band very much broader and all other markings larger than above and white with a yellow tinge. there are five well-defined submarginal spots. Hind wing with a creamy-white postdiscal band from the costa to inner margin, constricted at vein 6, its outer edge scalloped, its inner edge curved to vein 6, straight from 6 to 4, thence angled inwards and cut by one of the yellow posterior stripes. three submarginal spots as above but larger, ant three submarginal spots in 1c (double),2 and 3, the upper two very large and ovate. Cellule 8 white with a small yellow basal spot. A small yellow subcostal spot in 7, and a larger one in the end of the cell. A small yellow nebulous spot with a tuft of grey hair in the base of the cell. A thin yellow distal stripe on the band in areas 1c, 2 and 3, represented beyond the band by black. the first submedian is thinly edged with yellow, the lower submedian with white. Fringe white at the lower 5 submarginal spots.
Female: resembles the male. Wings more rounded. fore wing with broader postdiscal band, the two spots above it forming a bar obliquely placed. Hind wing with broader dark margin and a large submarginal spot cut off in cellule 3. Underside as in the male, with slightly broader bands, the one on the hind wing being whiter than in the male.
Group cuningputi species :