Delias bobaga van Mastrigt 1990 
Subspecies and range of Delias bobaga :
. bobaga van Mastrigt 1990 - Kamu Valley, Weyland Mts, Papua
. homeyo van Mastrigt 1996 - Magoda & Degeodai, W. of Kamu Valley & Homeyo, Papua
. yellow form
Notes on Delias bobaga :
A recently described species. Similar in appearance to D. mariae and D. walshae. However, it is easily distinguished by its larger size, and the larger subbasal hindwing markings, and particularly the yellow powdering on the inside of the hind wing.
The subspecies Delias bobaga homeyo differs by having the base colouring on the underside hind wing cream or pale yellow as opposed to a more vivid yellow. The two separate populations of this subspecies is very unusual, being separated by that of the nominate race.
Jean-François Labbé found in the north of Detai, to the N.W. of Homeyo, a specimen with yellow subapical spots on the forewing verso. Henk van Mastrigt includes this as homeyo in his Review of the Clathrata Group of 2000 and describes it as an aberration. The fact that another specimen with yellow subapical spots in coll. Pequin has been collected in Homeyo confirms that decision. We don't think anymore it is a new undescribed ssp.
Group clathrata species :