Delias caroli Kenrick 1909 
Delias caroli caroli male
Arfak Mounts, July 2016
Picture by Ian Lawson
Subspecies and range of Delias caroli :
. caroli Kenrick 1909 - Arfak Mtns, Irian Jaya
. ab. flava Joicey & Noakes 1915
. wandammenensae Sharp 1918 - Wandammen Mtns, Weyland Mtns, Irian Jaya
Notes on Delias caroli :
Easily recognisable by the red submarginal line on the underside of the hind wing.
The form D.caroli f. flava, differs from the nominate form by having the red markings on the hind wing sulphur yellow.
Male: fore wing as in D. castaneus but with some white dusting beyond end of cell. Hind wing as in castaneus but with wider black margin reaching the anal angle.
Fore wing below black with white inner margin as in D. pratti. A submarginal row of five sharply-defined small white spots in cellules 3-8, and sometimes also a spot in 2. Hind wing black. A heavy red submarginal line formed of five bars connected slightly at the veins by some white scaling; this line extends from vein 7 to just below the submedian, and is connected to the costa by a white bar. A short red basal stripe in cellule 7.
Female: Resembles the male. Fore wing above reduced white area which is usually yellow-tinged, especially distally. A submarginal row of five yellowish white dots. Hind wing with wider black border than in the male, the bluish-white area tinged with yellow distally. Underside as in the male.
Group bornemanni species :