Delias levicki Rothschild 1927 
Subspecies and range of Delias levicki :
. levicki Rothschild 1927 - Mt. Apo, Mindanao
. mandaya Yamamoto & Takei 1982 - Mt. Tagubud, Mindanao
. borromeoi Schröder & Treadaway 1984 - Mt. Palket, S. Mindanao
. justini Samusawa & Kawamura 1988 - Mt. Kitanlad, N. Mindanao
. hokamae Nakano 1995 - Mt. Matutum, S. Mindanao
Notes on Delias levicki :
Similar to Delias apoensis, but lacking the discal spot on the underside hindwing.
It is confined to the mountainous areas of Mindanao, each subspecies to a separate mountain range.
Group belisama species :